search function made by jackslade is not working anymore...?


12-07-2008 15:25:27

search function is not working anymore on IE7 evil
only on FF 3.0 , why i don't know maybe its a M$ SECURITY update for IE7,
gifts me an error loading page evil


<script src="jscript/directory.js"></script>
<script src="jscript/functions.js"></script>
<script src="jscript/searchindex.js"></script>

var objLeftFrame = parent.parent.frames[1];
var objRootContainer = objLeftFrame.document.getElementById('rootContainer');
var objRightFrame = parent.parent.frames[2];
var objContentDiv = objRightFrame.document.getElementById('contentDiv');

var objNewItem;
var searchTerm = "<? print(str_jsafe(request_querystring("q"))); ?>";
var exp = new RegExp(searchTerm, "i");

objContentDiv.innerHTML = '';

for(var i=0; i<searchIndex.length; i++)
if (searchIndex.Name.match(exp) != null)
var type = "other";
var mimetype = searchIndex.Mime;

if (mimetype=="audio/mpeg")
{type = "audio";}
else if (mimetype=="image/jpg" || mimetype=="image/jpeg" || mimetype=="image/gif")
{type = "image";}
else if (mimetype=="text/plain")
{type = "text";}

objNewItem = create_item(objRightFrame,searchIndex.VirtualName,searchIndex.VirtualName,searchIndex.Name,
ITEMTYPE_FILE,0,mimetype,'item_dotted','','','itemchild2_file_' + type,'itemchild3_normal');

if (objContentDiv.innerHTML == '')
objNewItem = objRightFrame.document.createElement('<span>');
objNewItem.innerHTML = 'No results found for ' + searchTerm;
objNewItem.className = 'itemchild3_normal';

objLeftFrame.g_objExpandingItem = null;


10-08-2008 03:01:14

is there anybody, with the same problem with this script ?
because i like this programm the way it is, all i need is a descent search function...please reply if you got the same problem (

try it in FF and IE7
username and password are both 22


20-08-2008 10:44:33

You are not alone with this problem. I have exacly the same problem with the search plugin but I dont have a solusion for you. Bye the way with FireFox 3 is works fine.

I hope ther's somebody out there with a solusion


24-09-2008 23:27:22

same problem! different day is there nobody,who cant solve this problem..
WHY its run good in ff and not in ie7 where is the flaw in this script , im searching here for weeks now ,from extjs to dojox grid visual basics but i know there is a iframe problem with this script in ie7 ...gifs me a hard time to spit it out on right.html


31-03-2009 13:37:59

It might be a setting in IE...


06-04-2009 21:50:57

now i know idea this searchfunction is limited by the size of the file searchindex.js.
my file have reached the 15mb this script is breaking the search!
when i removed some folders and do the VibeStreamerIndexer again to create a minium of 3mb searchindex.js it still works fine ! how to sulf this! only jackslade know.