Addons in Vibe Streamer 3 (alpha)


29-05-2008 10:30:17

IMPORTANT This info is only for the alpha version of Vibe Streamer 3 which is no longer the latest version.[/colorhxobk7xl]


A short note regarding "best practice" of creating addons for the standard skin in Vibe Streamer 3.

Addons are functionality that can be added to extend the functionality of the standard skin, and generally these shouldn't have to have modifications made to the standard skin "core" (that is, everything located under /js and /ajax).. that way your addon won't be overridden each time your download a new version and that way I can make changes to the standard skin without hopefully messing up too much for people that created addons.

So in general addons should rather "hook" into the standard skin by the events dispatched from the standard skin itself and by adding itself to some of the existing objects/toolbars etc..

A few "standards" that should be followed

1) All addons should be located in the "addons" folder and have the same folder structure as the official vibe streamer addons that comes with the standard skin. The official standard skin doesn't have it in the current version, but there should also be a "docs" folder in the structure for any documentation/manuals related to the addon.

2) The addons should also follow the namespace standard set by the vibe streamer standard skin which has the namespace "vibestreamer.addons"

3) Addon files are included and loaded in the "index.html" (just like vibestreamer package is) at the event "preloaded", which guarantees that the preloaded json objects used by the skin (such as user, skin, session) are preloaded)..

There is currently another addon package in development called "version.addons" which will have addons officially related to vibe streamer but not shipped with the standard installation. These will be available for download through the website when ready.

So as a final note and example.., for instance.. if I would have another action happening when I doubleclick a node in the filetree, I'd create an addons that listens for the "nodeaction" event sent by the filetree instance, if the eventhandler returns "true", the default event handler won't execute (that is, it won't be added to the playlist)...

Well anyways.. a quick and dirty guide to my thoughts on addons... hopefully that will put you in the right direction at least..



29-05-2008 19:55:04

Thanks for the heads up.

We all appreciate the time you put in thinking things thru and kudos for using extJS. I just ran into this project via lifehacker a few days ago and am lovin every minute of it.


30-05-2008 00:00:43

Yea, extjs is really something! the downside is that I'm not sure whether I can upgrade to extjs 2.1 or not because they recently decided to change the license to GPL (or Commercial license). I contacted them about this a while ago but got no reply.. I guess they've got their hands full at the moment..

Even though the commercial license isn't a lot of money I'm not sure that it would cover the fact that other people here on the forum might wanna create addons and do modifications to the vibe streamer skin and releasing them on the site without having to have a commercial license for it..

So at the moment I'm sticking with the earlier 2.02 release which is released under LGPL, but still.., I'm actually going to support their great library by purchasing myself a commercial license for it cause there's such great work behind it and it's really given me new possibilities on the client side of Vibe Streamer.

So yea, a big hurray for extjs )


04-10-2009 15:39:20

I'm probably getting blind or something, but...

where is this /js, /addon, /ajax folder or directory.js file?

I want to change directory.js to show folder.jpg files, but I can't find it anywhere, nor can I can find any folder mentioned concerning skins...


09-10-2009 18:27:32



09-10-2009 18:58:35


That information is only for the rather old alpha version of Vibe Streamer 3. This thread should no longer be sticky which is a mistake from my side.

I'm currently focusing on the theming/plugin support for Vibe Streamer 3, so you can all add your custom functionality without making any direct changes to the core code itself.

Keep your eye on the forum and I'll have a few posts up later on with a new version, giving more information about how to extend Vibe Streamer 3.



13-10-2009 12:16:20

that saved a lot of work for me siit wink , but what about the flashplayer comes that to with different colours ?

and how do i change the servername in the titlebar with in v3.0 in v2.06 it was just a setting ?