Script that loads your last playing songs between sessions


02-01-2008 00:22:45


The addon gives you a dynamic playlist which saves your currently playing songs between sessions.

Heres a brief outline of my additions

Checks for playlist called Tmp, if it doesn't exist it creates it.

Tmp playlist is loaded - error message supressed if list empty.

The Tmp list is saved when

A track is added
A track is removed
A folder is added
or the tracklist order is changed

I can't think of a better way of tracking the most current playlist. I thought of the reloader to do this, but for some reason I can't access the save functions in player.vibe

This demo is on the default skin and playlists have to be enabled for the user. I'll happily port it to another skin if needed.



03-01-2008 13:12:11

Very nice, I had this idea some times ago...i just couldn't be bothered to make it /
