Unicode support


05-06-2007 16:57:48

Hi I am very new to this neat software but it doesn't seems to grab unicode/non english charset filenames. Renaming files is a solution but not when I have a large collection of japanese and chinese musics so renaming 1 by 1 is going to be tough for me. According to this[/url3qhr3475], the problem lies within the skins rather than the program itself. I was hoping anyone here can fix little problem of mine, thanks!


29-06-2007 22:59:06

I don't know if this applies to your issue, but on some boxes (especially Ubuntu and Fedora) Firefox sometimes refuses to default to anything else than UTF8. So I manually change that in the browser and everything is alright again. That works for Swedish anyhow (åäö).


16-07-2007 18:01:26

Doesn't work on mine either. Firefox refuses to show when set to any encoding. 98% of my collection is in Japanese, and all I see is "???" Any ideas?