Ability to hide user's IP addresses in client window


06-07-2006 18:47:29

Kinda simple really...I like how I can see what other users are listening to, but not the fact that their IP's are shown to all users.


06-07-2006 19:02:24

Hi ok. So first go to the VibeStream Server folder, then the [b2dhytm0r]skins[/b2dhytm0r] folder then the [b2dhytm0r]Standard[/b2dhytm0r] folder. It should be here [b2dhytm0r]C\Program Files\VibeStreamer\skins\Standard[/b2dhytm0r]. Then go to [b2dhytm0r]onlineusers.vibe[/b2dhytm0r] and open it in notepad.

Fine this line (Line 54)

[code2dhytm0r]print("<tr bgcolor=\"" + bgcolor + "\"><td><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%><tr><td><b>" + session.User.Username + "</b> (" + session.IPAddress + ")</td><td align=right>Logged on: " + session.LogonDate + " " + session.LogonTime + "</td></tr></table>Last streamed: " + sLastStreamedFile + "</td></tr>");[/code2dhytm0r]

And replace it with

[code2dhytm0r]print("<tr bgcolor=\"" + bgcolor + "\"><td><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%><tr><td><b>" + session.User.Username + "</b> (" + str_substr(session.IPAddress, 0, str_findfirst(session.IPAddress, ".")) + ".xx.xx.xx)</td><td align=right>Logged on: " + session.LogonDate + " " + session.LogonTime + "</td></tr></table>Last streamed: " + sLastStreamedFile + "</td></tr>");[/code2dhytm0r]




07-07-2006 15:06:56

Great fix!

Thanks Amish.


07-07-2006 16:10:41

No problem man. D