

08-08-2006 23:10:32

I'm trying to use info.IPAddress and it seems to be blank, I've set info.ServerName to what I need and I'm using that instead, but I'd like to use the proper variable if I can.


09-08-2006 09:31:25

hmm, could be a bug on than property. anyways, the vibe script language is being rewritten at the moment so instead of fixing it I'll have it working in the new version )


09-08-2006 13:33:16

Yeah the download skin fails to work now. because it uses the IP address (


09-08-2006 16:35:31

hummm, very odd I say.. hmm,


11-08-2006 10:00:57

The vibe script returns an empty string for the variable ServerInfo.IPAddress when the "IP Address" is set to "(All unassigned)" in your server settings.

If you specify an IP address in this field, the vibe script returns the correct string.

Bad news for Amish .... cry
I don't think this will resolve your problem for the download. If you use an URL like this http//servername8081 to connect to VibeStreamer.
Then the access to a file with the URL http//IPAddress8081/... will not work because IE consider that this is a new session (not the same server name) .... so no authentication -> access denied .... evil


11-08-2006 10:26:58

I have a solution to get the server name without vibe script. This solution doesn't give you the IP address but I think that the server name may help you )

On the client side, you can use Javascript to retrieve the current URL (document.location).

With the following code, you can rebuild the URL <protocol>//<servername>[port]/

[code241o3ddq]var prefix = document.location.protocol + '//' + document.location.hostname;
if (document.location.port != '') {
prefix = prefix + ':' + document.location.port;
prefix = prefix + '/';


11-08-2006 10:33:47

ahh ok thanks. D

Also can you PM me your downlaod Script i wanna check it out.


11-08-2006 18:01:16

Bulo ROCKS!!! thanks I'll impliment that right now.


11-08-2006 18:46:22

I recomend you go with bulos script all togher its way better than mine. D


12-08-2006 00:04:30

Okay Bulo what would it take to get the list of people who are online back on your skin? I'm getting closer to figuring this out but forgive me I'm not a java programmer, just a sql/php/clarion guy


12-08-2006 09:34:26

It can be made quickly .... )
However I'm actually working on another feature. As I want to avoid having multiple versions of the same skin, I ask you to wait a little. ?
I will reactivate the 'online' feature in the coming version.