plug-in with 'Remember me' feature


05-04-2011 23:41:59

Hi everyone,

I discovered VS about week ago and I've totally fell in love with it. So first I'd like to say thanks to siit for this amazing software.

However after some time I found logging into plug-in every time I log in or refresh VS very annoying. So I made up little improvement and implemented ''Remember me' feauture into plug-in. Now I would like to share it with you, so here it is


Just unpack the lastfm.rar and replace lastfm directory inside VS plugins directory (typically on Windows C\Program files\Vibe Streamer\sites\default\plugins) with this unpacked directory.

I'm sure you will find out but just in case
When logging into as usual check the 'Remember me' checkbox. Now every time you log in or refresh VS, you will be automatically logged into
If you wanna change the saved credentials or simply not to submit your songs onto anymore, just click the 'Disconnect' button. That's it.

Your login and password are saved inside users.xml under you profile.
Password is saved as MD5 hash.

Hope you enjoy it...


16-04-2011 13:56:16

Thank you for this!.. Looking forward to trying it out.

Update This plugin does seems to work as expected. However, after replacing the original lastfm folder with this one, I noticed that my "Now Playing" area is blank. Anyone else have this problem?


17-04-2011 23:07:57

Yeah, I have encountered this error too. I'm going to fix it tomorrow. Thanks for your feedback wink


28-04-2011 12:38:45

has anyone fixed it already?



05-05-2011 00:11:42


sorry for not responding. Could you describe this error a bit deeper. When I first read the 12letters description I was thinking about another bug I found (after some time the plugin just stops submitting anything to, now I realize he meant the Now playing plugin. I have no problem with this, so please, describe this to me and I'll try to fix this.



07-05-2011 22:57:32

Hi Satrapad and thanks for staying on this.
When I installed your files into my copy of VS, your lastfm plugin worked as designed, letting me put in my lastfm login info and choosing to remember me on subsequent logins to my VS.
But I didnt realize until later on that if I went to the New Playing plugin, the entire window, where normally I would see cover art,title, artist and album was blank.
Restoring the original lastfm files brought it all back.
It seems like the original lastfmplugin code communicates with and provides the song info to the now playing plugin but your mod is only sharing with

I may have done something wrong regarding your installation instructions so if you confirm that you don't have a problem, let me know and I'll try it again.

thanks again !


10-05-2011 20:46:39

Hmm, that's really strange. This has never happened on my Vibe Streamer. I'll try to reinstall Vibe Streamer, install the plugin and hopefully it will appear to me as well.

Thanks for the description.

EDIT No luck with this error, but I'm going to try it on another computer.

To 12letters Could you, please, give me some info about your pc config? What version of VS are you using? What browser and which version of it? And what operating system? Thanks.


11-05-2011 14:18:16

[quoteg7qizcxq]To 12letters Could you, please, give me some info about your pc config? What version of VS are you using? What browser and which version of it? And what operating system? Thanks.[/quoteg7qizcxq]

VS = 3.1.0b1
PC = WIndows XPsp3

Browsers used to verify that the problem was there
IE8 on a Windows 7 machine

I will try reinstalling the mod as well. Hopfully, it was an error on my part.

[Update] I reinstalled the mod, replacing the original lastfm folder with the modded folder and the Now Playing window did go blank again.
BUT....... It worked fine with
FF 3.6.16 on a Windows 7 machine
IE8 on a Windows XP sp3 machine
IE7 on a Windows XP sp3 machine

[Second Update]
It is now working exactly as expected on my Windows 7 machine with IE8. After shutting down IE and trying FF, I restarted IE8 and it just worked.[/colorg7qizcxq]
Not sure why but.. YAY! I apologize for all the trouble I put you through.
