Feature Request - Stream Only


22-12-2010 00:25:43

What we have now as ADMIN or a PRIVILEGED user is great for folks to help themselves to creating playlists/etc from my music.

But on other occasions, folks have been requesting that it would be nice to connect to me and ONLY be able to listen to the stream of what I have playing NOW. Sort of an online “station” - with listen-only rights. That way we are all listening to the same song at the same time (not listing to different songs in the same playlist).

It would be nice for them to see my playlist, where we are at now/etc. But not to skip ahead or add/delete things from the playlist.

Basically - listen only, to the stream that I have playing NOW.


19-02-2011 14:58:56

maybe you can add an live stream player {flashbased} with broadwave [url2s8vbguy]http://www.nch.com.au/streaming/index.html[/url2s8vbguy] this is an example [url2s8vbguy]http://b-22.ontvangt.nl[/url2s8vbguy] if you are interested, i could help you to embed this player wink

username = 22
password = 22

oops, firefox bug alingment ...solved oops