Private Messeges to users on your server


20-07-2007 00:11:52

Is it possible to send private messeges as an administrator to users on your server? or even advertisements?

or maybe if the user reaches the limit set for the user name they are using, a pop up or messege will display to ask them to register for their own account if they want to have more options, playlists ect?

I will look into this, but in the meantime if anyone else has stumbled upon this, I would love to be able to implement it on my own server.


31-08-2007 20:19:50

The idea of communication is not bad at all. I do, however, not believe Vibe is "big enough" (as in "is developed enough"/"have enough dev power") to make its own IM/chat/forum system.

Besides that, we already got plenty of that stuff. Instead i suggest integrating a Jabber client/server in some funky way. Perhaps as a plugin to Vibe. Let the Vibe people do the music stuff - that is what they are best at, and let the IM people do their stuff - that is what they are best at ).


31-08-2007 20:50:27

In the current version this isn't possible just by using Vibe Streamer features itself.. support for implementing this has been added in the upcoming versions script engine.


16-11-2007 05:30:28

I have a chat integrated with my vibe skin, people can goto a room and send messages to each other or just to one another.