Big Thanks...

Norbert Norbs

09-11-2009 13:27:15

Hello there. Just a word of appreciation for this marvellous product. Seldom does an application so efficiently do what it says it will without a barrage of additional headaches.
Installation is simple, configuration is very straightforward. I had troubles finding any open port on my pc, even with the relevant router measures in place. Eventually struck lucky and am now able to access files remotely.
My sincere thanks to the developers for sharing this beautiful application and to the members who have devoted time and energy to providing very useful tips and information on this forum. Cheers )


09-11-2009 15:13:11

Thanks a lot for the feedback! It's really great to hear D


18-12-2009 13:33:11

Great piece of software...! if i can get this also work on my Winmo, my world would be almost perfect )

many thanks!
