Need help! how can I my friends listen to my music


08-07-2009 00:34:33

Hey guys!

I've setup vibe and everything works in my house and on my different computers.

Now I would like to access my music from basically anywhere!

How can I do that? please helppp!

I know i have to configure my router or something but I dont know how to do that.

Also, applying skins, i do, but not everything changes, most of the times just the left menu where my music is display does.



08-07-2009 17:30:14

You will need to forward port 8081 in the router to the PC running the Vibe Streamer server. The server PC should have a static IP address so that the router will always be forwarding to the correct PC. If you use another port number, forward that number instead of the default 8081.


09-07-2009 06:15:11

when i had my linksys router i assigned each computer an IP address..the music server as i call it was in the router i port forwarded to
when i got my d-link router it likes assigning port numbers so XP does the automatically assign IP address and the d-link assigns the music server then i just go in and port forward to that helps..
also makes sure if your running windows what ever version to open the port 8081 in windows firewall also......that will block them out also....
have a good day