Vibe Streamer's Capabilities


12-07-2006 07:23:06

hi all,

well today i discovered how to download my own mp3's to another computer through vibestreamer. and i discovered how to download other file types. the only thing about the other file types is that u have to know the exact file name from memory since u cant see it. now i dont know any html/java/flash/blah/blah/blah. so if any of u ppl would like to be my personal Vibe Streamer Slave, i would appreciate it if u knew any neat tricks/tips on how to make other file types appear. thx

P.S i was jk about the computer slave thing, dont get mad, get glad twisted


12-07-2006 07:59:52

To make files of a certain type show up in Vibe Streamer, go to the "Settings" tab, select "Manage file and MIME types", and add the MIME type of the file you want to appear in Vibe Streamer's file listing to both sections in the resulting window.


12-07-2006 10:06:57

hmmm, i see wat to do, but i dont exactly know how ummm... culd u explain MIME types and wat they r maybe? sry


12-07-2006 11:49:02


Notise the mime type box.


12-07-2006 17:24:22

Windows uses the extensions of files to determine what the type of the file is, (e.g. EXE is an executable, GIF is an image, XLS is an Excel spreadsheet). Browsers use MIME types to determine what the type of the file is if a file has a MIME type of image/jpeg, the browser knows what handler program to use to render it (most browsers will simply handle it themselves). If it's video/avi, the browser knows to either use the media player plugin (e.g. Windows Media Player) or it asks the user to choose a program to open it with.

Basically, MIME types help the browser figure out how to handle files. Thus, if you add video/avi, or video/x-msvideo, you can add support for all AVI files. Here's a handy list of MIME types based on their extensions [url3dqpmk7z][/url3dqpmk7z]

Hope that helps!


13-07-2006 01:27:58

i gotcha now, thanks all. peace


07-09-2006 20:37:38

I'm starting to see a trend where people are confusing vibe [i2wy7kzow]streamer[/i2wy7kzow] and a ftp server. all of these types of questions should be directed to the Serv-U forums. Serv-U is a much more capable and stable server for allowing ftp client access.