How Can my Friends Access my streamed Music


28-02-2009 20:37:51

Okay I managed to setup the whole Vibe Streamer and right now I can listen to my own music from a browser so can my friends who are on the same network, but if I want to make my music available to a friend who is in a different country or city or even on a different Network!!! can I do it, and if yes then how !!!

Please help me out, coz I really love this software and if I can do this, that will be awesome !!!

Thanks !!


04-03-2009 11:17:05

Make sure you have configured your router to forward the Vibe Streamer port to the machine on which you have Vibe running. Then have your friends enter your [inr941h3u]external[/inr941h3u] IP address along with the Vibe port number into their browser. This should allow them access to your server.


23-07-2009 23:11:58

Hi! i have the same problem with sharing my music with friends. On my PC i can listen but when someone else is tryin' to connect to this page it says The webpage "" cannot be found DNS error occurred. Server cannot be found. The link may be broken. I'm very sad. someone can help me?


23-07-2009 23:57:40

First of all, what kind of router do you have? You can look up how to open ports in your router (if you don't know how) by going HERE[/url2v58arvg].
Once you found your router, open TCP port 8081 using the instructions obtained from the website and make it point to your local address (usually starts with 192.*. You get it by typing ipconfig in a command prompt, or ifconfig if you are running Linux). I assume you are running Windows...and if so, make sure your software firewall allows port 8081, or simply temporarily disable it completely to make sure it's not causing you any headaches.
Then ask a friend to try to connect to it by hitting your WAN address with the port appended to the address.


30-07-2009 18:30:28

See this thread http//