Iphone compatibility?


03-04-2010 14:48:05

Is there any way to configure the server so users with iphones can play the files.

I can login from iphone but it does not show me any files.

Perhaps something needs to be installed on the iphone side? Any help is appreciated.


03-04-2010 16:11:13

I started with an iphone skin, but as always my spare time wasn't enough to complete it. I'll dig up the source and post it here, if anyone wants to continue the development of the iphone compability.

Now where did i put the code, is the question.. )


05-08-2010 11:25:56

It indeed would be very nice to have VS support HTML5 byterange streaming. [b1c3vvrnr]Siit[/b1c3vvrnr], does VS support HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content ? I had a quick look at 8081/share/5451895c742d146a6d9af07cfa660a2a?play which played just fine in chrome but completely fails in ios (iPhone OS).

I would love to help out getting VS to support IOS but can't do without VS supporting byterange streaming[/url1c3vvrnr] first.

By the way, congrats on the progress made since 2006, very impressive ! as you know EXTjs is now sencha and comes [url=http://www.sencha.com/products/touch/1c3vvrnr]bundled[/url1c3vvrnr] with an mobile app framework ...