Ordering by date modified && automatic playlist gene

In Stereo!

05-01-2010 21:23:32

Why are the options "sort ascending" and "sort descending grayed out?

And would it be possible to create a playlist for every new folder (=album) that is added in the shared folders completly autimatically? Is it possible to order these entries by date created?


06-01-2010 13:04:42

At the moment this is not possible. They are greyed out since the JS API I use to create the web client doesn't allow me to hide them.

As soon as I've released the utf-8 update (which takes a bit longer than I expected) I'll implement a few features for the web client, such as an additional itunes-like way of searching and sorting your collection. That should make it possible for you to browse/search the latest added albums and songs.


11-06-2011 09:06:38

It's over a year later now, and I'm also interested to hear what happened to this request
Would it be possible to create a playlist for every new folder (=album) that is added in the shared folders completely automatically?
I have neatly put all my music in folders, and every folder is an album. But when I want to play an entire album, I first have to make a playlist.

Or wait.... I can also just drag all the songs to the list right above the folders, doubleclick the first song and Vibe will automatically play all the songs!


bye for now, Laura