Cropped Vibestream window on Windows 7 Cannot start server


08-11-2009 23:33:07

I do not see the Start and Stop button on the main window. The vibestreamer window is cropped short running version 3.0 so I am unable to start the server or choose auto start in settings and save the settings as save button is not visible.

Main Window (Start Stop buttons not visible)

Settings with Save button not visible

If I run the 2.6 window I am able to see the start button as the start button in higher up in the window
Start button visible

Anyone seen this and am I doing something stupid.

I have reinstalled both versions couple of times to make sure I am not missing anything.

Any help would be appreciated.


09-11-2009 07:29:59

The Vibe Streamer GUI doesn't go well if you don't use regular font sizes in Windows. In Vibe Streamer 3 the start/stop buttons are located in the bottom right and since you have larger font size than what's default in windows, they get located out of the window for you.


09-11-2009 16:56:45

The increased font explains it.

Thanks a lot.