Someone help a fellow Viber out


17-04-2008 15:26:08

First and Foremost Siit, Awesome program...none like it out there anywhere....cant wait until 3.0

Now for my problem.....i have a massive collection at home and i access it from work. My work runs a front end firewall called currently kills the flash player so i can see everything but hear nothing. when i click to load it does nothing. i know its the firewall because i sidetalked a network guy to allow full access to my ip and it played like a champ however due to security he had to turn it off. Does anyone have a solution? maybe a different player to embed other than flash? i am not a programer at all so step by step instructions might be needed. Thanks


18-04-2008 16:33:00

I don't know that it will be possible under the current version without some major revisions on code, however I know that Siit was talking about allowing for plugins to work with 3.0, so it may be possible that someone may write a plugin that will allow a 3rd party software like Winamp to access your Vibe server. Of course that would mean you need a plugin for vibe, as well as Winamp, which I don't see as being too terribly hard, but I'm not much of a developer... lol Anything is possible really, and we just need some creative developers to come up with something like that.


21-04-2008 13:22:43

thank you so much for the tips....i cant wait for the new vibe to come out. Siit if you wish i will beta test )


11-08-2008 22:57:43

I had the same problem at work myself. The easiest way I found was to run Vibe Streamer in SSL-mode, which means it will be encrypted. This won't be available until Vibe Streamer 3, but if you want to use it now you can still download the alpha version here [url12cusbvz][/url12cusbvz].

I'm neither an OpenSSL or a security expert but this is how I created my self-signed SSL certificate to use with Vibe Streamer using OpenSSL v0.9.8g, which you can find here [url12cusbvz][/url12cusbvz].

- In this example, I installed OpenSSL to C\OpenSSL and created C\SSL to use as a working folder.

- Download this copy of openssl.conf [url12cusbvz][/url12cusbvz].
[b12cusbvz]Note[/b12cusbvz] I have no clue what most the options in this configuration means, but if you you want to know you better check up on it yourself.

- Set up stuff required by OpenSSL (all commands in a command window)
[code12cusbvz]C:\SSL> md keys[/code12cusbvz]
[code12cusbvz]C:\SSL> md requests[/code12cusbvz]
[code12cusbvz]C:\SSL> md certs[/code12cusbvz]

- Create zero-byte database
[code12cusbvz]C:\SSL> copy con database.txt


- Create serial-number file with the numbers 01 followed by a newline.
[code12cusbvz]C:\SSL> copy con serial.txt


- Create triple DES ciphered 1024 bit key file to use with our certificate
OpenSSL> genrsa -out c:\ssl\keys\ca.key 1024 -des3

- After this you will be asked to enter and verify a pass phrase for this key

- Now, create certificate using our key
OpenSSL> req -config openssl.conf -new -x509 -days 365 -key c:\ssl\keys\ca.key -out c:\ssl\certs\ca.cer[/code12cusbvz]

- Now you will be asked to fill out a bunch of information regarding you certificate.

- When all is done, you can copy your C\SSL\keys\ca.key and C\SSL\certs\ca.cer to your Vibe Streamer folder (if you want to). The only thing that matters is that you have to be able to link these two files in the Vibe Streamer admin under Settings -> Advanded -> SSL. Here you will also store the previously created key pass phrase.

Well, this is how I did it (i think hehe). As previously stated, I'm no expert in this but I got it to work fine. Hope it will work for you too.


17-11-2009 22:37:17

A couple notes regarding the instructions above

. get openSSL for windows @ http//

. These instructions expect that openSSL binaries are installed in the openSSL/bin folder, you have the choice of putting them there or in Windows directory upon install.

. These instructions use self signed certificates, this is great because they are free but anyone using a modern browser will get an error that might scare some of your users away saying that the certificate cannot be authenticated, this can be safely ignored (you generated the cert yourself)

. if you get this error when restarting the server with SSL support
2009-11-17 124316 Vibe Streamer 3.0.1
2009-11-17 124318 An error occured. Please check the server log file for details.
2009-11-17 124318 Server could not be started - Invalid connector
2009-11-17 124318 Server stopped

the certificate you generated is not working, follow the instructions again to check for anything you might have missed.

. Vibestreamer server no longer responds to http// requests on the defined port, you must have your users change their shortcuts to https//