Error calling method on NPObject


01-02-2008 19:36:06

I have just installed vibe streamer 2.06, and it works fine with IE7, but cannot play any files in Firefox on XP.

I can log in and queue the songs, but when I click on the play button nothing happens.
The error console (running firefox on both local and remote pcs) gives the following error

Error calling method on NPObject!
[i1fhq0bxn]player.vibe (line 403)[/i1fhq0bxn] objMP3Player.SetVariable('g_sLoadTrack','virtual/' + url_encode(;
[i1fhq0bxn]player.vibe (line 384)[/i1fhq0bxn] play_track(tr#Music/Artist/Album/01) Track.mp3.playlistTrackSelected)
[i1fhq0bxn]player.vibe (line 851)[/i1fhq0bxn] player_onclick_play()

I have searched the forum but saw no posts about this.

Anyone any ideas on what the problem is?