How do I... Suppress empty windows, fix FF WMP bug etc.?


09-10-2007 05:34:47

I uploaded some WMV files, set the proper MIME types, reloaded Vibe and went to my page. When double-clicking a WMV file, it loads a window and then loads Windows Media Player but I receive an error that the server can't be reached...

1. How can I always suppress that first window (empty one) from being seen at all?

2. Why does the problem only exist in Firefox? Internet Explorer loads the WMV files as expected. What can I change to make this cross-browser compatible?

I would greatly appreciate some help, thank you. )


10-10-2007 10:09:39

( Lots of views for this topic but no answers.

I tried this plugin for Firefox
http// ... nload.aspx
http// ... refox.aspx

Now when clicking a WMV file, it launches just the first window and embeds the player into the page... 8) right? Proper embedding yes, no error yes but the file still won't play. Ideas... anyone?

3. I was also wondering... Can someone tell me how can we force the blank window to resize based upon the embedded object size? (quicktime player, images etc.)


03-11-2007 16:30:24

Still stuck on this, 1 month later... Anyone have suggestions?


07-11-2007 10:35:10

I don't quite understand what you're attempting to do - are you attempting to utilize vibe streamer as a means to catalog .wmv files, or are you actually attempting to stream .wmv files from within vibe streamer? - If either guess is correct, then I can't begin to tell you how wrong all of that is.

Vibe streamer isn't designed to do either; hence if you want to catalog wmv(s,) then I suggest you utilize IIS.

If you want to want to stream .wmv(s) look into Unreal Media Server[/url2kb12rea]

I hope this helps.


20-02-2008 01:29:53

its not to design to streaming wmv,asf or etc.. but you can stream from an other channel midnightz, only there is a FF bug

check my post (
