Unable to get vibestream to load when windows starts


26-09-2007 02:48:41

Hey guys, Ive been trying to get vibestream to automaticaly load when windows starts. I have it set to run the exe file on startup, but when the window comes up after login, the server can't start and the settings are all gone.

I have to close down the program and start it again in order for everything to come up.

At first I thought I was configuring the wrong exe or something, but it is correct. I suspect its a timing thing with windows.

Anyone else ran into this problem?


26-09-2007 18:36:24

How are you trying to start it?

Startup folder, registry or running as a service?


27-09-2007 05:15:34

just under group policy settings in windows using the mmc. there is an option to start program when windows starts. I just added the exe. But unfortunately something goes wonky when it starts. none of the settings are there.


27-09-2007 17:40:43

Try just placing a shortcut to the Vibe Streamer executable in the startup folder. It's a lot simpler and starts the program after all Windows services have started.


27-09-2007 20:08:09

thanks man, worked like a charm!