id3 tag confusion


05-07-2007 18:45:44

all my songs are tagged... but not all of the tags are working.

i did a bit of digging and it seems that only the songs tagged in ID3v2.4 are working. anything tagged in ID3v2.3 (or other) aren't.

everything plays fine... just the tags aren't working on anything other than v2.4.

is there a fix for this, or do i have to retag all of my files that aren't in v2.4?

thanks for the info!


06-07-2007 18:28:59

well... not sure if there's a fix (is anyone still using the forum? lol), but i fixed by changing all of my v2.3 tags to v2.4. it was easier than i thought using my tagging program.

that said... something for folks to keep in mind - anything other than v2.4 isn't going to work right.