Having issues with linksys router


24-05-2007 16:21:15

I'm not sure if this had been posted before, but I have vibe streamer setup on my laptop. I turned off my windows firewall, setup my router's port forwarding via IE and placed all the pertinent information into the vibe streamer server.

I cannot access it from an outside source. I can't think of anything else that could be wrong. HAs anyone else had issues with linksys routers? Or is port forwarding the wrong thing to use in this case?

Thanks in advance for the help.


12-06-2007 15:27:05

I'm not sure if this is a router problem, it would seem more likely that your isp is blocking common ports; for instance port 80 or 8080.

Try using an off port like 5700

If the router does turn out to be the problem then try an upgrade to your firmware. If you're really tech savvy and you have WRT54G or GS, then try DD-WRT. If you're not knowledgeable in networking then don't attempt DD-WRT; you're probably end up bricking your router, even if you're successful in re-flashing your router you may never figure out the proper settings.