Help with wireless


03-05-2007 05:29:49

Im new at this, just installed it on my computer. I got satellite connection. What do I need to do to make the server available outside my network? Is it the same way as other type of connections? Thanks for any help you might drop my way! roll


04-05-2007 21:31:47

just as long as you have internet others can listen in. Just download the software (vibe streamer). Turn it on (when you open it will tell you what to press etc etc)

then give your friends your ip address [url17f309rw][/url17f309rw] (get number at top like 199.333.33.55)

so you would give to your friends http//199.333.33.558081

then they can login and connect and listen etc etc.

Make sure port is available which is prob will be but you never know. wink

Hope that helps you