48000 Hz MP3s play slowly


30-04-2007 17:22:44

I've found that MP3 files with a sample rate of 48000 Hz play noticeably slower (i.e. drawn out and deeper). I would assume that this would happen if the sample rate is hard coded in the player at 44100 Hz. When I re-encode the MP3s to 44100 Hz, they play just fine. I'm certain that the sample rate is the cause of this issue, since I tried everything else before I looked at the sample rate. Is this an easy bug for you to fix siit?
Thanks for an awesome program!!!


30-04-2007 20:25:42

I'm not assuming to speak for siit, but I believe this issuance may be a flash related problem.

Thus, you may have to wait for adobe flash to resolve the matter, if not in CS3, then in later flash versions.