Solved - IE7 Vista issue


03-02-2007 13:58:32

I'm having difficulties accessing vibestreamer from IE7 on Vista.
Everything seems to be working but the + symbol for expanding the folders doesn't show up. I've been playing around with cache settings and refresh but no solution yet.

Anyone had similar problems?

Take a look by clicking the enclosed picture to see what my screen looks like.



03-02-2007 14:13:15

it must be a problem with your IE7 settings. I tested vibe on vista and did not run into this issue. you may want to check your settings regarding javascript.


03-02-2007 16:31:45

Hi, Thank you for your reply.
You might be right but I'm not able to find out what's wrong. I have the same problem from both my Vista/IE 7 computers, but my XP Pro/IE 6 works like a dream.

If anybody have experienced the same as me and found a solution please let me know.



03-02-2007 16:45:17

Ahh! Shit!
This entire topic should be deleted.
It's no wonder I'm having problems. My network drive was offline.
Sorry guys! Things are working now.
