Nintendo Wii + Opera + Vibe


23-12-2006 08:53:30

So close. Almost wants to kinda sorta work. Seems like an issue with Opera more than anything else. I'd love to use this app with my Wii if possible. The way its acting seems as though Opera and or the Wii has no method or concept of double click.

The + link on the right side to add the folder works, but you cannot start any of the tracks. The play button, and of course dbl click don't get it done. I presume a javascript issue is the hangup.

Even if it did play, after testing flash on other sites it appears to be fairly flakey in general still, but hopefully the folks at Opera will get it figured out.

Anybody on the Vibe team have a Wii to play around with?

cool app, thanks!


24-12-2006 07:37:18

Just started playing with this myself, gonna try to find out what exactly is the problem.

Would be nice to have a looksee at the .fla file the Standard skin uses.


26-12-2006 23:15:40

So far this is the best flash music player I've come across. Now it just needs to work with my Wii )

Hopefully the devs were lucky enough to get one so they can get to work on support for Wii's Opera.


30-12-2006 01:55:49

does anyone know if Vibe Streamer uses Flash 8 or 9 for it's player? I do know the beta version of Opera's Wii Browser only supports Flash 7, so anything higher doesn't work right (this is probably why the player buttons don't work/click)... As for the dbl click, that's a js thing and will have to be updated by the Opera devs for Wii


01-01-2007 12:26:09

it's created using macromedia flash 8... although the project file is acting weird odd and only seem to be able to open on some version of macromedia 8, so the people i've shared it with haven't actually been able to open it and continue to develop it..

maybe i'll try to lift it into a newer version of flash and see if that helps it out and maybe someone can make the modifications required for wii opera and flash lite etc..


03-01-2007 05:45:10

I was able to save a playlist inside of firefox on my desktop, and then click the load button on my wii and it brought all the tracks from the playlist into the play frame

... unfortunately the play button/fast forward button on the wii doesn't actually cause the playlist to advance to the first song in the list like it does under firefox. If the play/ff buttons acted the same on both platforms, it seems like this would work great.

upon further investigation, it looks like the wii is crapping out on this line in the player.vibe file
[code31j0trze]objMP3Player.SetVariable('g_sLoadTrack','virtual/' + url_encode(;[/code31j0trze]

I put alert("foobar") prompts in your code to see how far each line got, but it looks like that line is throwing an exception, and the play_track() function just gives up.

I don't know enough about HTML to be able to identify what else is going wrong (I put all the vars into alert() statements and verified them with the values firefox was giving me and they were identical). It seems like the embeds array isn't getting populated with the mp3player object?


03-01-2007 09:45:30

My guess is that the Wii version of Opera doesn't support setting variables in a flash movie using JavaScript.. this is not oncommon in a few browsers.


10-06-2007 00:06:42

Has anyone had any luck working around this? I've played with FLAMPlayer, Orb, and a few others, but all have their quirks (indexing / cpu load). If not, does anyone have any other ideas for a similar player compatible with the Wii?


12-06-2007 15:40:57

I've had some success streaming .flv(s) on the Wii via a dynamic playlist wrapped in a version 9 .swf published from CS3 embedded in general HTML transported via the flash media server 2, IIS, and stunnel.

I am having problems rendering the vector graphics on the Wii version of Opera.

I haven't had a chance to test my modified version of the flash/.swf vibestreamer on the Wii. My player.swf version was modified under CS3/ver.9 .w/ action script 3. Regardless, given my current results, I'm not sure it'll work properly.

I think the Wii Opera browser still needs some tweaking.


16-08-2007 22:11:08

Has anyone had any luck working around this? I've played with FLAMPlayer, Orb, and a few others, but all have their quirks (indexing / cpu load). If not, does anyone have any other ideas for a similar player compatible with the Wii?[/quote2dqbt10z]

I hope you guys keep up the good work to get this brilliant streamer to work on the Nintendo Wii. It would be great to turn the Wii into a mediaplayer as well. Sofar I only got mp3's to play with Vilvic media center http//