Firefox 2.0 and Vibe Streamer


17-11-2006 17:15:37

Maybe it's just my setup, but Firefox to leaks memory when running Vibe Streamer. It's bad enough to bring my system to a grinding halt.


19-11-2006 17:31:01

This is due to the (buggy) memory handling in Firefox. I'd suggest that you look for another browser until they fix this issue. Don't hold your breath though, this has been a problem since forever - it existed even before version 1.0 was relased. (


15-12-2006 04:08:27

Havent noticed this, but i usually keep playing the same songs. Do you stream a large number of songs? Do you know if the memory seems to grow when a new song starts streaming? Do you know if this happens in other browsers?

I wouldnt be so fast to point the finger at firefox, since i run the client usually all day at work, and it doesnt seem to grow very much....they greatly improved the memory leaks in ffx1.5, so its really not as bad as it was.