a different IP

João Cruz

13-11-2006 18:05:24

My internal IP is nothing like the ones that were given as an example... mine something like this xx.y.y.y.z i think this is an internal to... because ive a wireless conection and i remeber when i set the router up that it asked for this IP.
My problem is that when I use the IPs that those sites you showed give me, nothing happens... but when I use my IP i can open it. but no one else outside my network can...
please tell me what am i doing wrong...


14-11-2006 21:11:26

i'm sure there are quite a few threads in this forum to address your issue... anyhow... what you should do is point your browser to http//whatismyip.com and it'll display your global ip... tht's the one that ppl will type in along with ur port number (default 64515 if i remember correctly) to access music in ur computer...
err... and u have to forward the port in your router... hope you've done that... and you should be good to go ...
hope this helps..

João Cruz

14-11-2006 21:58:30

ok my ignorance on this matter may surprise you...(just kidding) but the IP that you show are not similar to the one I get when I use those sites mentioned... yours allways start with 192.... and mine is something like 89.xx.yyy.zz.
I dont think thats a problem but I tought I should mention that...
oh that detail about the port number lol I used the one that was already on the viber but thats not the one thats wright?? just like my IP... ?


João Cruz

14-11-2006 22:13:35

can any one tell me wath bind socket is??
'cause thats what vibe streamer tells me when i try to start with the suposed outside IP.
^Webserver could not be started (Could not bind socket to (IP)...)^
oh and another stupid question how do i got to no my port number while im runnig on a dhcp??


16-11-2006 22:58:58

ok my ignorance on this matter may surprise you...(just kidding) but the IP that you show are not similar to the one I get when I use those sites mentioned... yours allways start with 192.... and mine is something like 89.xx.yyy.zz.
I dont think thats a problem but I tought I should mention that...
oh that detail about the port number Laughing I used the one that was already on the viber but thats not the one thats wright?? just like my IP... Confused

can any one tell me wath bind socket is??
'cause thats what vibe streamer tells me when i try to start with the suposed outside IP.
^Webserver could not be started (Could not bind socket to (IP)...)^
oh and another stupid question how do i got to no my port number while im runnig on a dhcp??

okay... lets see...
(1) .. find out ur internal ip (it'll be something like or something like that... u can find it out by typing "ipconfig" in your Command Prompt Broswer
(2) Use this ip in the vibestreamer settings tab ... and next to the ip address entry, there's a Port entry... by default it's 8081 i think .... leave it at that...
(3) Now access your router and in the portforwarding option, enter your internal ip address and the corresponding port (in this case 8081) ... and in the application name... enter anything relevant (e.g. vibe) ... and save settings
(4) go to www.whatismyip.com and it will display your external ip address..
(5) So ... all you have to do is now go to some computer and enter "External IP AddressPort Number" which will be something like "External IP Address8081" ... and it shoudl ask u to give ur user name and password...

NOTE If you have problems understanding how to forward your port or access your router ... i suggest you go to www.portforward.com ... all u need to know is your router model and you'll be set
* - i dn't think that ur port number will be screwed up by dhcp.... jst do the above... hopefully it should work for you .. and you / your frnds can access ur music frm anywhere pretty soon ..

João Cruz

19-11-2006 14:54:59

First I wannna thank you for the tips you've been giving me...

but it still isnt working properly... its just that i never find an IP like yours mine external IP is 89.27.xxx.yy and i only know this because whatismyip.com showed me...
all the other ways that i´v been told to do in order to find out my IP I always get something like and thats nothing like yours...

When i put the external IP in vibestreamer it allways tells me that it could not bind socket to that ip wich takes me to my question
i didn understand wich IP am i suposed to put in vibestreamer the external or the internal?? and when i'll put this working properly, can i access the music by the same computer that im using the vibestreamer??



19-11-2006 23:18:22

Dude... is a perfectly valid internal ip address...! ahm.... wht u need to do is now enter in the vibestreamer software along with port 8081 ...by the way u have 5 computers on ur wireless network! woah ... hmm... anyways... Now, access your router through your browser and portforward port 8081 for the internal ip address as i advised u in the previous post... once all this is done... start vibestreamer and enter ur external ip address8081 in ur browswer and u'll find the user name, password window popup ... if ur having issues u have to give a detailed report stepwise of how ur finding your internal ip address and which router u have and whether or not uv managed to portforward ur computer in the router ... unless u provide all this info im afraid i wnt be able to help u out...
NOTE its ur INTERNAL IP address (10.0.0.x) that you have to enter in the vibestreaer software...!


20-11-2006 08:27:22

Check out this thread http//www.vibestreamer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12

Also, to make it easier for yourself configure vibe streamer to IP adress "All unassigned". That way it will listen to whatever IP your computer has. Then follow the above thread and check out www.portforward.com and www.whatismyip.com in order to access your server from the outside.

João Cruz

25-11-2006 13:57:26

what can i say we are a big family... lo0ol ok i think that my is problem now is only on the port because i can't access my router... but hey that's something to the portfowarding dudes help me... lol thank you...
mean while i can use it to share my musics in our network...