How to use playlists in the standard skin


06-07-2006 09:00:08

Some people are confused on how playlists are supposed to be used in the Vibe Streamer Standard Skin so I thought I'd write a small tutorial.

First of all the playlists can be found in the "playlists" tab in the standard skin.

How to create new playlist
Simple click the "new" button in the top of the left fileframe and a playlist will be created for you. Now simple give it a suitable name. Note, you can rename it later by selecting the playlist file and clicking the "rename" button.

How to save a playlist
Load songs into your tracklist queue as you normally would when you listen to music. Organize the songs so they are in the order you want them to appear in the playlist. When you are ready, go to the playlist tab in the Standard Skin, select the playlist you want to save the songs to and press "Save".

How to load a playlist
Simply select the playlist file that you want to load and press the "Load" button. Note that you current tracklist will be cleared upon loading a playlist.