
25-08-2006 23:54:10


I have a problem with the external IP address and routing.

I've set up the server how I want it, and can connect internally (home network with a router) but cannot connect externally through the external IP which is 82 . 3 . 32 . 778081

It simply comes up with an ADMIN_ACCESS_DENIED error. Is this the wrong IP?

When finding out my IP, I noticed that 82 . 3 . 32 . 74 is the proxy server for my internet company. 80 . 5 . 105 . 100, however, is another IP reported to be mine, I try that and it just ends up at my router's home page.

Can someone help me with this one?

EDIT Set the port to 80 at now it redirects from the port number to the IP address with a blank white screen.