startup business


18-08-2006 21:51:55

The virtual business phenomenon, pioneered by entrepreneurs like you, is transforming how millions of small, successful firms operate . Under the virtual model, business owners outsource nearly everything - including people and partners who may be anywhere - to start a business. More on topic...[/urla7523nrj]


18-08-2006 22:30:50

I HATE people like you. roll


18-08-2006 22:58:30

...its a bot...


19-08-2006 04:10:27

.... and since this bot has been replied to I dont have the heart to delete it, afterall it's human made P sooooo.... enjoy the spam! D


29-08-2006 11:41:51

*votes for CAPTCHA


29-08-2006 17:20:07

*votes for CAPTCHA[/quote1g03x748]

Seconds captcha


29-08-2006 22:39:04

and third down.. I'm all for it ofcourse, since I gotta log on and delete the crap all the time ... It's not nice at all that the forum might be filled with spam if I'm not able to check the forum for a while..

so anyways, I _am_ using the default captcha in phpbb at the moment, but by looking at it you see that's it's not really the best one availible.. so I'd like check here and see if any of you guys have any recommendations on what's the best one availbile? )


30-08-2006 17:47:07

Put 2 in. Most bots are for standard skins if you change it by putting 2 images in they wont see it. And thus wont get passed.


31-08-2006 21:14:40

Generally, I'm against captcha's due to their nature of being inaccessible, but for the time being I guess it'd be okay.