Not bitrate, but Audio Sample Rate causing problems


17-08-2006 14:43:58

All of my MP3s that are sampled at 44khz play fine, but the ones sampled at 48khz drag and play "slow". Is this a limitation in Vibe Streamer that will be overcome in a future version?



17-08-2006 15:21:04

This is an issue with Macromedia Flash and not Vibe Streamer itself. I'm really hoping they will solve this problem in a later version of flash.


19-08-2006 15:05:14

If I play mp3 with bitrate over 128, sound will stop at every
8 seconds, playing mp3 128 bitrate everything fine!!

Is that possible to use different mp3 player, let's say
winamp or other...?

Forgot to tell you, this program is great!!
Thanks all your efforts!


19-08-2006 16:29:52

Continuing about bitrate over 128...
I have done lab with your program (flash player) converting back
320>128 and play fine without stops.
I have tried with another flash mp3 player
like this one

configuring mp3 320 bitrate playing well
without stops
