Command Line Switches / Index New Files Only Command?


19-04-2012 22:31:41

I have Vibestreamer 3.0.2 running on 64bit Windows Home Server 2011. It runs as a service, so I can log off without any interruptions. It works beautifully.

I have been unable to find any command line switches for vibestreamer.exe. Can anyone post these for me?

Specifically I am interested in a command that would allow me to "Index New Files Only" from the command line.

This would resolve the following 'issue' VibeStreamer runs as a service, the current application instance is unable to be brought up to the desktop, so I have to start a second instance of Vibestreamer, just to index newly created files, then close it again.

VIBESTREAMER rocks! Been using it for 4+ years, and LOVE IT! Thanks!