problem with scrollbars (in Opera9)


02-08-2006 16:41:23

Hi lads,
i like the VibeStreamer so much ... it is great!!!

however, there is a small problem.
it's with the new Opera 9 browser.
the scrollbars are hidden.

i realize this is small bug... but it's annoying.
i'll appreciate if someone can help.

thanx in advance!

P.S. i will attach a screenshot[/urlmb0eelne] to make things clearer.

!!! [url=]screenshot[/urlmb0eelne] !!!


02-08-2006 21:52:39

Hello and welcome. )

I can verify this.

This problem used to be on Opera 8.x on Solaris but it appears to have sneaked into v 9 of the browser (at least on windows), as well. I can't recall having this problem in earlier versions.


02-08-2006 23:32:35

At the moment I'm a bit busy with a bit hard work on the new Script Engine. Anyone got some spare time over to look for a simple solution/fix for the current version of the standard skin?


09-11-2006 02:15:20

Hi, im using Mozilla 1.7.13 under windows xp and have same problem, i find a fast way to fix it, simply open "index.vibe"and search ...[code6v8nsnpq]document.writeln('\t\t<frame id="frameFolders" src="left.html" frameborder="yes" border="0" bordercolor="#3f3f3f" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" unselectable="on"></frame>');
document.writeln('\t\t<frame id="frameFiles" src="right.html" frameborder="yes" border="0" bordercolor="#3f3f3f" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" unselectable="on"></frame>');
[/code6v8nsnpq] located AFTER "else" and change to [code6v8nsnpq]document.writeln('\t\t<frame id="frameFolders" src="left.html" frameborder="yes" border="0" bordercolor="#3f3f3f" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="yes" unselectable="on"></frame>');
document.writeln('\t\t<frame id="frameFiles" src="right.html" frameborder="yes" border="0" bordercolor="#3f3f3f" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="yes" unselectable="on"></frame>');[/code6v8nsnpq]a couple of extra bars r being showed now and u can handle long lists ;)